What breed is Jameson and does he have any nicknames? (@jameson.the.doodle) Jameson is an F1 Moyen Goldendoodle. He has a lot of nicknames such as James, Bear, Baby Bear, Bear Bear, Jamo, James James, & Brother Bear.
What’s a ‘day in the life of Jameson’ like?
- Wake up and do his morning routine and stretches in the backyard
- Get some yummy treats and romp/play with his sister, Stella, in the backyard
- nap until noon or until his afternoon walk
- get more yummy treats
- romp and go crazy around the house with Stella
- nap then go over to grandparents house to eat his dinner
- more playtime until sleep time
Who are some of your favorite Instagram dogs to follow?
Jameson is always looking so stylish! Where does he get all of his fun bandanas from? I have made all his bandanas. We have a little small business @barkandbowco
Where are some of Jameson’ favorite pup-friendly spots in the Bay Area (pre-COVID)? Home Goods, Lazy Dog, Santana Row
What are Jameson’s goals for the New Year? Jameson’s goal for the year is to go on more walks! He has been getting too many treats and definitely needs to get more exercise! haha
If you could describe Jameson in 3 words what would they be? Sweet, silly, loving